Beardy Guts charts a course through the realities of living with Crohn’s disease, through the eyes of Christopher Cribbett, a 31-year-old blogger who has had Crohn’s disease for over 12 years.
Whilst sitting in an hospital bed, gurning his way through the agonising stomach cramps that come with Crohn’s Disease. Reading blogs from people who had battled through the trials Christopher was now facing gave him hope; hope that the unbearable pain would stop, hope that remission was possible. And hope that once treated, his life could regain some sense of normality.
Now a Crohn’s veteran with over 12 years’ experience of the twists and turns of Crohn’s disease, Christopher felt it was time to share his own story. So, whether you are newly diagnosed, starting a new drug, dropping out of remission or just looking for some honest advice from someone who has traveled the path, and knows how shit Crohn’s disease can be.
The Beardy Guts blog is here to help you. You are not alone.